Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tables and Graphs

Roger Williams Girls Basketball Statistics
YearWinsLosesTotal Games Played

#1 Bar Graph

#2 Column Graph

 #3 Line Graph

#4 Revised Column Graph

Roger Williams Mens Basketball Statistics
YearWinsLosesTotal Games Played

#1 Column Graph

#2 Column Graph Revised

#3 Line Graph
Total Percent of Games Won: Men vs. Women
Year MenWomen

Percent of Games Won Between 2004-2010

 Percent of Games Won Between 2004-2010

Total Percent Games Won Between 2004-2010
Total Percent Won52.5

For my graphs I first decided to show the stats for the Girls Basketball team at RWU.  This is shown in the graphs for the Girls.  The graphs that I did for the girls were best seen in a column graph.  After deciding the column graph was best, I thought that there was something wrong with the graph.  I decided that I did not need the total games played in the column graph because the information was useless.  Though I thought that the column graph was the lightest on the cognitive load, I thought the line graph was very interesting.  The graph appeared symmetrical and clearly showed where there were more wins, there were less losses.  I thought the colors that were used, blue and red, were also very clear for the brain to interpret.  Wins were represented as blue, and red were losses.  Red usually represents something bad, and a loss is considered bad most of the time.  I did the same graphs for the stats of the mens team. 

After I decided to graph the stats for both the men and the womens team, I decided that I wanted to compare the two. At first I made a chart to compare the data over the years.  I did the total percentage of games each the men and the women won between the years of 2004-2010.  I thought that both the column graph and the line graph were interesting ways to show the date.  I like the column graph because it clearly showed a comparison between the percentage of games won.  I thought the line graph was interesting because it shows the coorelation of the two teams during the same years.  It shows that each the men and the womens teams seemed to have a high or low amount of wins during the same years, which I found ironic.  As for the colors, I decided to continue with the red and the blue.  The blue was used to represent the men, and the red the women, typical colors of those genders.

The final chart I did represents the total percentage of games won between 2004-2010 as a whole, not showing the years.  It shows in total that the men won more games than the women during that chunk of time and concludes that the RWU men's basketball team is the better of the two teams.

If I had to choose a graph that best represents all of my data, I would probably choose the line graph that compares the men and the women.  It is a good representation because we are also able to see how well the two teams did during the same year, and the curve of how well they did or didn't do.  A line graph is also used to show a coorelation over time.

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