Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Geographical Map

For the map of choice I first tried to start to do a concept map, and it was very hard for me to focus on words that all related to eachother, so I decided to try and do a different kind of geographical map.  I did my map of Bristol.  When I was drawing my map of Bristol I tried to get the basic shape of the town and the peninsula.  The reason I did it that way was because I felt as though the shape of Bristol is very important.  There are many different places where there is water and different little coves that really make up the town in itself. 
     I also came to find that what I drew had a lot to do with all of the different running routes that I did for cross country and track here at school.  I realized that all of these landmarks I ended up drawing where things that I would see on my run or even driving around town.  They are landmarks to the town that many people are able to recognize easily.
     When I was drawing my map it was easy for me to see where the different places, like Dunkin Donuts, Jacky's and Colt State Park were, but it was hard for me to place them correctly on the map where they actually are.  I still feel as though the map is a little off, though I did look it up on Google Maps.  I think it may have been easier if I just included the landmarks rather than the street names, though if I did that it may have messed up the routes on which I run because there would not really be a trail.
     I also think that I decided to draw a map because I took off cross country this season due to an injury and whenever I go driving down these roads I see myself running down them or remember running them last season.  Not running cross country this season has also had a huge impact on my life, I do not feel like I am the same person, and I really miss being a part of the team and having something to motivate me.
     In conclusion, maybe this map really did have more of an impact on me then I thought it would have.  I guess I drew it for a reason, and that was because I miss running.  Bristol is also what I would consider to by me new home, where as last year it was just a place where I went to school.  Bristol is a part of me and so are the destinations I chose to draw on my map.

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