Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mind Map #1

For my first mind map my central idea was "love."  I found it very easy to write down most of the things that I love, seeing as "love" is such a broad topic.   A few things that came to mind when scribbling down words for the twenty minutes were things that I do or think about on a daily basis.  For example, "family" and "exercise."  I talk to my parents usually everyday and are always seeing things around me that remind me of them, and exercise came to mind because I am constantly moving.  I love going to the gym, working out and feeling good, so why not put that on a map of  "love." 
     I found that as I branched out from each of the categories I started to think differently.  I found that the things I was thinking about got more random or even more specific. But if they didn't get more specific I could see myself branching off and talking about even more things, so I had to stop myself before I started to create another mind map of its own.
     I applied what I knew because I used common words and ideas that I do or think about everyday, as I said before.  Some things though, like when I started to talk about drawing and branching off on the subjects of color, they were more ideas that related to things that just came to mind when thinking of that specific color--nothing that I loved or really seemed to think about everyday--just maybe things I would see everyday.
     After doing my first mind map I realized of all the different ways I think or come to think (if that makes sense).  I also noticed all of the "things" that you can categorize with other "things" and how they can either have a close relation or none at all.

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