Monday, October 4, 2010

In Class Collage


  1. I noticed patterns of:
    -healthy lifestyle

  2. This collage speaks to the theme of beauty. The quotes, "sexy and single" and "eat right" are both literal interpretations of what is considered beautiful. The pictures and colors you chose could fit into this major theme of beautiful.

  3. Nice organization of the images on the page. You did a good job of incorporating text and pictures, and overlapping them in interesting ways. Some patterns include animals, eating yummy things, and living the single life.

  4. When piecing my collage together I was definately thinking about things that I liked or enjoyed. Looking back at my collage though, I don't really seem to notice any color scheme or one particular theme. There are ideas and concepts that I grouped together, such as food, animals, people/love, and the concept of beauty and serenity. I feel like the reason that I picked some of these picture out of the magazines was because they reminded me of something I had done or even just someone in my life. If the pictures on the collage weren't things I already knew I had, then they were concepts/ideas that I wanted.
