Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mind map #2


     For my second map I decided to branch off on the idea of food.  I am not sure why I chose this idea, maybe because I am constantly thinking about what I am going to eat next and I thought that it would be an easy thing to keep talking about, especially because there are so many different foods.  When I started to draw this map, the first thing that came to my mind was a hamburger, so I drew that around my central idea.  Then after I drew that everything that was in a hamburger/cheeseburger just seemed to branch off of it after that.  And once I started thinking of the little things that are in a hamburger, like tomatoes, I started thinking of things that tomatoes were in; ie: pizza.  Then there were other concepts that I used, like cheese, where I thought of all the different kinds of cheese and in the end started to talk about America.  Talk about random.
     The only reasoning for "applying what I know" would be all of the foods that I  know are in a hamburger and what other foods are made from the foods within, and this would more or less be because of what I eat or like to eat. But there is an exception, the word "pickles."  When I saw this word for some reason it made me think of the television show "Rugrats" from when I was little; Pickles was the family's last name.
     Again, I can say that I learned there are many different ideas, words, concepts that you can associate with other words, ideas, concepts without really even knowing.

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